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Apocalypse. Evolution of Chaos. 

Premonition of World War III. Since 2008

I don't know what kind of weapon will be used for the World war III, but in the World War IV they will definitely use sticks and stones.

Albert Einstein


The series “Apocalypse. Evolution of Chaos” was created as a result of the initial concerns and warnings of climatic global trends, as well as the concurrent rising tensions in world politics. The Cherkashin’s approach these issues by creating works that are designed to signal society’s self-destructive behaviour, which they consider to be at the core of the problem. They note that since states’ spheres of influence have expanded considerably due to mutual penetration into each others’ economies through globalization, local conflicts can easily escalate into global ones. To save the current structure of society, the individual has a responsibility to become active it it’s solution. These works mimic this behavior through powerful images that force one to percieve the idea of cataclismic events.

Solo Exhibitions

Scream of Apocalypse
Scream of Apocalypse
Scream of Apocalypse
Scream of Apocalypse
Scream of Apocalypse
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